Free Talk Live Co-host Ian Freeman bekändes skyldig i Federal Crypto Trial

After close to two years, following the U.S. federal government accusing the Crypto Six of unlicensed money transmission, the case is seemingly coming to an end. According to multiple reports, Keene resident and libertarian activist, Ian Freeman, the last member of

Krypton 6 Fallet ställs endast inför rätta 1 Åtalad vänster, Åklagarens så kallade "expert" utesluten

Den dec. 6, 2022, the “Crypto Six” case will be heading to trial, and out of all six defendants, only Ian Freeman, co-host of the radio broadcast Free Talk Live, has not accepted a plea bargain. According to the most recent

Rysk miljardär och kryptoaffärsman dog i helikopterkrasch i Frankrike

Russian financier and cryptocurrency entrepreneur Vyacheslav Taran has been killed in a helicopter crash on French territory. The accident marks the latest in a series of deaths of crypto executives and adds another name to a list of Russian billionaires who